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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do some water heaters last only a few years while others last a lifetime?

    The lifespan of a water heater can be influenced by water pressure. High water pressure above 80 PSI can be damaging. Homes with well water generally have a lower water pressure around 50 PSI, which tends to extend the life of a hot water heater. Installing a thermal expansion tank and a pressure-reducing valve can help maintain ideal water pressure levels between 50 to 60 PSI.

  • How can you extend the life of your hot water heater?

    Regular maintenance is key. Flush your water heater every few months to reduce sediment buildup. Installing a water softener can also help by reducing the levels of hard minerals like calcium and iron, which can be damaging to water heaters.

  • What are the ways to tackle hard water problems?

    Hard water contains minerals that can cause various issues, ranging from appliance damage to spots on dishes. A water softener can reduce mineral content, improving not just your appliances but also the look of your dishes and the feel of your skin.

  • Can your home's electrical system affect your plumbing?

    Yes, a poor electrical grounding can lead to plumbing issues. This occurs when copper pipes become a “backup ground” for your home’s electrical system. This can degrade pipes over time. To prevent this, make sure your electrical system is well-grounded.

  • How can you prevent pipes from bursting in extreme cold?

    Leaving faucets slightly open during extremely cold weather can prevent your pipes from freezing. Additionally, make sure to insulate pipes in unheated areas of your home.

  • How to thaw frozen plastic Pex pipes?

    Thawing Pex pipes is difficult. Prevention is the best approach. If they do freeze, your only option is to wait for them to thaw naturally.

  • Should you have flood insurance?

    If your home is in a known flood zone, state law requires flood insurance. For homes not in flood zones, it’s optional but highly advisable. Review policies carefully to ensure you’re adequately covered.

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